Hello guys
Today in this tutorial, I will show you how to make a simple but cute crab for beginners, So let’s start
First we are going to make a new document with ( 1920p x 1080p ) width and height.
After creating a new document we are going to draw a circle using the Elliptical Marquee Tool (M) after this right click and choose the stroke option with width 3px.
After stroking it we are going to transform it like shown in the image below.
Then we are gonna draw eyes by using Elliptical MarqueeTool (M). And stroke it with brush width of 3px.

After making the eye it's time draw hands. So for this we are gonna use Pen Tool (P). Draw the hand like shown in the image below.

Also draw the second hand and after that we are going to stroke it. But be careful because when you stroke with pen tool it uses the brush and the brush size you choosen, so choose a hard rounded brush with size 3px.

After this we will draw the legs using same process.

We are few more steps away to complete our Crab. Now it's time to draw eyes and a mouth. For eyes we are going to use Elliptical Marquee Tool and for making mouth we will use Pen tool.

We completed the line art of our crab, it's time to color it. For coloring make a new layer below the layer on which you draw the crab. After it select the Magic Wand Tool (W) and go to the first layer and select the area you want ot color then come back to the layer and fill it with color. I am using color (#c71f1f) for base tone and for light i am using color (#f32323). Color it like shown in the image below.

And your crab is ready......... Hope you enjoyed the tutorial.