
How to make a Black Abstract Text Effect


Today i will tell you how to make a Black Abstract Text Effect.

So let's Start

Step 1

So first we have to make a new document with (Width 3000)px and (Height 1200) px and keep the resolution 1080p

Step 2

Then pick the text tool and type Pslearner i am using AddLoops font

and change the text size to 27pt. Then select the first two text and change the size to 42pt.

And change the color to [ 9c9c9c ]

Step 3

Open the layer style and select Bevel&Emboss


And select Pattern- Burlap ( 200by200 px Grayscale Mode )

Inner Shadow

Inner Glow

Outer Glow

After compeleting all steps your text look like this.

After this we have to add some extra effect. Change the background color to Black (000000)
I am using a star brush for adding background effect with White color (ffffff)

Near the first letter, it give a shining effect to the text
After this make a new layer above the text layer and take the selection of the text by pressing { Ctrl+left click }

And choose a abstract fire brush with size 1100px and color (ff0000) and use it on the first letter

Then choose another abstract fire brush and use it on R with color ( 0018ff ) and after using a water splash brush the final image is going to look like this

Congratulation !
We completed it
Comment your questions below i try my best to answer them